mark Kachmaryk

signed Ban Fracking in Rochester 2014-05-18 11:06:42 -0400
I HOPE SOMEONE WILL STAND UP FOR THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE. Are our elected officials going to let the gas and oil industry frack in this state. If you ( the elected officials) believe this is a safe practice, then lead by example and have them frack in your back yard. If this makes you feel unsafe, now you know how we feel. This practice by the gas industry is going to hurt New York finger lakes tourism and what about the roads and traffic. Who pays for this ? We do. If you ok this,I believe you are acting not in the best interests of the people of NY. Please do the right thing, don;t support fracking in this state. Do your homework and visit other states that do this practice and see how the people are effected by it. Don’t sell out to the Gas industry. PEOPLE BEFORE PROFITS.

Ban Fracking in Rochester

GOAL: 1,000 signatures

Evidence increasingly shows that hydraulic fracturing devastates the natural ecosystems and human communities where this practice for natural gas extraction is used. Fracking poisons our water and our air, increases earthquake activity, sickens our families, and stresses local infrastructure. Yet despite this and the continued resistance by the people, our state elected officials have taken no action to permanently halt such catastrophic activities by the gas industry within New York State.

The City of Rochester, recognizing the threat of fracking, has previously established a moratorium on such activities in June 2012 and June 2013. However, this is set to expire in the coming months leaving our community vulnerable.

Therefore, we, the People of the City of Rochester, call on Mayor Lovely Warren and the Rochester City Council to enact legislation banning hydraulic fracturing, the transport of its byproducts, and all other related activities, within the City of Rochester.


To learn more, please visit our allies at R-CAUSE and New Yorkers Against Fracking.