The Proof of MisEducation

Benny Warr Video

Some may say, “What does the case of Benny Warr have to do with education?”


The police in the video were White males in an urban Black neighborhood. Had they received an excellent, child centered education, they would have recognized, immediately, that this situation must be handled delicately.

Understanding that the person they were there to speak to was a human being, they would have approached Mr. Warr with respect, asking him if they can assist him in any way since they received a call about a person in a wheel chair having trouble.

If, at that point, Mr. Warr did become resistant to their help, the common sense derived from a child centered education would have told them that blocking the wheels of the mobile chair and surrounding Mr. Warr while waiting for a chair lift bus to take him to jail would have been a much more appropriate way to handle the circumstances they were forced to address.

Arresting an individual does not have to involve the disrespect of that individual.

Our current system of education teaches and enforces a socio-economic system of justice that allows middle income White males, the bar to which we are told all should aspire, to believe that they are somehow better than any other “sub-group” which gives them the privilege of treating others disrespectfully.

Unfortunately this attitude is not exclusive to the middle income White male but is generally held by many who breach or exceed the achievement gap.

The idea that anyone is better than anyone else is non-existent in the child centered system of education. Focusing on discovering, developing, and directing the talents of all children means providing the opportunity to all children to see the gifts within themselves as well as in others. Respecting the individuality of the human and their experiences is the basis for the instruction of the curriculum, not graduation from an institution.

Public, private, or charter, until we change the system of education so that it focuses on the child, we will continue to suffer the inhumanities of capitalism.

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Green Rochester posted about The Proof of MisEducation on Green Rochester's Facebook page 2013-05-18 12:29:29 -0400
"Our current system of education teaches and enforces a socio-economic system of justice that allows middle income White males, the bar to which we are told all should aspire, to believe that they are somehow better than any other “sub-group” which gives them the privilege of treating others disrespectfully." ~Lori Thomas, Green candidate for Rochester City School Board on the RPD & Benny Warr