Don't Throw Your Vote Away! Vote Green!
If you did not take advantage of early voting, tomorrow (Tuesday) is Election Day. Let's talk about that and what comes next for the Green Party in Monroe County.
First of all, if you're not sure WHERE to vote in Monroe County, you can check at
Second, there's been some questions about what to write-in when voting for Jill Stein and Rudolph Ware. Here's the most updated scoop...
You can just write in "Jill Stein" and your vote will count. If you write "Jill Stein / Rudolph Ware", you're fine. Some of the graphics you may have seen had a bubble in the box to fill in; Monroe County does not use that. You do NOT have to create your own bubble to fill in. If you did early voting and created a bubble to fill in, your vote will still count. Just stay in the box and you're good. So what can you do to help us get the votes we need to get our ballot status back in New York State over the next 24 hours:
Social media, social media, social media. Tell folks you have / are voting for Jill Stein. Will you get comments from people with all the tired, false excuses they're voting for the duopoly? Absolutely, but you do NOT need to respond to those. What you're doing is normalizing voting for your values - to stop genocide, for single-payer health care, for actual action against climate change. There is no need to get into arguments with folks on Election Day.
Then, if you're available, we'll be on Zoom on Election Evening from 8pm - Midnight. There's nothing organized, we'll just be hanging out, watching election returns together, plotting and scheming for 2025 and beyond. We will have info on opportunities to get involved, opportunities to ask questions, and more. To get the Zoom link, register at
It's official! Dr. Jill Stein and Dr. Butch Ware are the official candidates for President & Vice President for the Green Party. So, what does that mean for voters in Monroe County? Well, as of right now, the Green candidates are not on the ballot. Why? Click here to read why the Greens do not have ballot status in NY...for now. There is currently a lawsuit filed in NYS to overturn these undemocra
tic Democratic shenanigans, but if there is no decision in time, we have to write-in both names (see the picture to the right).
In our effort to support Housing as a Human Right in Monroe County, we're helping the Rochester City Wide Tenant Union achieve their rent stabilizing goals. To help convince City Council to revise and enact Good Cause Eviction legislation, click HERE.
If you had the chance to see or hear Jill Stein during her recent visit to Rochester you know that we have to get the Green Party on the ballot in New York State. (Didn't catch Jill? Listen to her interview on WXXI here.) And the way we do that is to get signatures on a petition. Lot's of signatures. And we need your help!
This video shows you how to petition. The deadline is May 21st, but we'll probably need the petitions a few days before that. To get copies of the petition, email greenrochesterny at gmail dot com.
The Green Party of Monroe County denounces the cartoon and letter sent to the Monroe County Executive and members of the County Legislature on March 12, 2024. Both the cartoon and letter were created by an individual who at the time was registered as a Green, but had no authority to represent the party. He had incorporated graphics that implied that his message was sponsored by both the Green Party as well as the local chapter of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL). Neither group had knowledge of the individual’s intentions beforehand nor does either group approve of his message.
While the Green Party of Monroe County condemns this individual’s actions, we will continue to fight for an end to genocide and an end to the occupation in Palestine.
Free Palestine!
Local Petitions
In solidarity with local group who are taking actions, here are 2 online petitions that you can quickly do to help get Rent Control in the City of Rochester and to have Rochester City Council pass a resolution callingfor a Ceasefire in Palestine.
By opting into Rent Stabilization, the City of Rochester can limit rent increases on eligible buildings. That means in thousands of apartments, landlords will no longer be able to raise rents as much as they want and we can have more housing security and stability in our city! Petition to City Council.
Rochester Committee to End Apartheid: Petition for Ceasefire Resolution in Rochester NY.
Letters for Palestine, Again
Even if you've already written letters to Federal representatives, there's more to do!
Some folks have been writing letters to Schumer, Gillibrand, Morelle, and even Biden, demanding they work for a ceasefire in Palestine. Now we have another angle.
Join us this SUNDAY to hand write letters to our Federal elected representatives to tell them to do what needs to be done for a permanent ceasefire in Palestine. We'll also be writing to the NY Attorney General to get them to go after NY corporations who sell military equipment to Israel.
Saturday, January 27, Noon - 3pm
Anyone's Cafe, 133 Gregory Street, Rochester, NY 14620.
We'll have templates, paper, envelopes, and anything else you need to contact your Congressperson & Senators.
We'll be at Anyone's Cafe, on Gregory Street. The only cooperatively-owned cafe in our area.
Join us and bring a friend. Or if you came and wrote letters, come back and we'll have some other folks you can write to.
UPDATE: Want to come, but not able to? Our guide to writing letters about Palestine is at So you can do it yourself!
March to End Fossil Fuels
In case you hadn't heard, there is a March to End Fossil Fuels happening in New York City on Sunday, September 17th. GPoMC is working to bring as many people from the Rochester area as possible there. Our allies at Extinction Rebellion in Ithaca have a bus that is open for us to get on board. There are 2 scenarios here:
Scenario 1: If only a few people sign up to get on that bus in Ithaca at this Google Form then we will carpool to Ithaca to get on that bus, go to NYC, come back to Ithaca on the bus, then carpool back to Rochester.
Scenario 2: If enough people from Rochester sign up to get on the bus at this Google Form then Extinction Rebellion will set up a 2nd bus that starts in Rochester and picks up people in Binghamton before going to NYC.
Let's get that 2nd bus!!!! Sign up today and get at least one other person to do the same.
What's the cost? They are asking folks to pay "whatever you can" with no one being turned away. So sign up to join the fight to end fossil fuels. For more info on the march, check out
What is a Municipal Energy Company (aka Public Power)?
Ask some of our previous candidates...
Here's Dave Sutliff-Atias in 2019
Here's Alex White discussing it on his radio show Transforming Rochester in 2018
Greens have been calling for this issue for years. Some folks are working on it, but it's not enough. Stay tuned for information on how YOU can get involved.
Howie Hawkins for Governor - A Conversation
Thursday, October 13th, 7pm on Zoom
NYS Democrats have gone out of their way to try to eliminate the Green Party. But we will NOT go away.
*Combating climate change
*Single-payer healthcare
*Living wage for everyone
*and more
Register for the Zoom conversation at
What Should Our Elected Officials Do about Violence, Part 4
What Should Our Elected Officials Do about Violence, Part 3
Discussion on Gun Violence, Part 2
Leave ideas and comments on our social media or email us at [email protected].
Discussion on Gun Violence, Part 1
Please feel free to leave your ideas and comments on our social media or email us at [email protected].
A Dialogue on Anti-Racism
Read the REAL Racial Equity Plan, click here.
The State of Police Accountability in Rochester
Green Vice Presidential Candidate Angela Walker at the GPoMC Monthly Meeting
For more information, to volunteer, and donate go to
Here is June's Monthly Meeting on the City of Rochester budget. We contacted City Council & the Mayor to make suggestions and they took none of them. Watch the presentation to see what havoc will be wrought.
Did you leave us to support Bernie Sanders in the past?
That's OK. You can switch back to the party where you belong by downloading and mailing in this form:
- (English)
- (Spanish)
Green Party 10 Key Values
Grassroots Democracy • Social Justice And Equal Opportunity • Ecological Wisdom Non-Violence • Decentralization • Community-Based Economics • Feminism And Gender Equity • Respect For Diversity • Personal And Global Responsibility • Future Focus And Sustainability