WHEREAS, mandates from the Federal and State level call for parent and community involvement in the operation of the District; and
WHEREAS, the City of Rochester is currently creating and maintaining a Neighborhood Association Model within the city; and
WHEREAS, the City of Rochester is currently creating and maintaining a Neighborhood Coalition Model within the city; and
WHEREAS, combining specific general services to the Rochester community is a more efficient and effective means of providing community services; and
WHEREAS, connecting the Rochester City School District to the City of Rochester is an efficient and effective means of rebuilding the infrastructure of the city:
RESOLVED, the Board of Education Commissioners will align the Rochester City School District zones with the City of Rochester Quadrants, Neighborhoods , and Sectors, creating and/or maintaining an appropriate number of educational environments necessary to serve the neighborhood population based on five year projected data; and
RESOLVED, the Board of Education Commissioners will operate in conjunction with the City of Rochester to provide a voice to its community; and
RESOLVED, the Board of Education Commissioners will work with the city’s Neighborhood Associations to provide an avenue for its citizens to have input into their school community; and
RESOLVED, the Board of Education Commissioners will work with the city’s Neighborhood Coalition to address concerns and/or problems the larger community may have with the school community; and
RESOLVED, the Board of Education Commissioners will work with the Mayor and City Council to rebuild the infrastructure of the city by utilizing inter-governmental relations in combining services to create and maintain the most efficient and effective city government possible.