With no mission or guiding principles, it is easy for the district to justify any action taken in its proposed DCIP.
The next Major Recommendation from the State, “The District leadership needs to commit to high expectations that connect professional practices to student outcomes by establishing a routine for communicating its theory of action to all of its constituents.”
The District’s response, “District leaders will work collaboratively with SUPES Academy to create a theory of action and communicate it to all stakeholders. District leaders will participate in eight Professional Development training sessions followed by executive coaching opportunities focused on T of A.”
This means that the District will spend money teaching our leaders how to lead with high expectations. This also means that they currently are not committed to having high expectations of success for our children. It also means that they have no idea how to create an attitude of high expectations within their leadership or how to communicate their expectations to its constituents.
The fact that SUPES Academy is indirectly connected to the Broad Foundation, SUPES founder is a Broad graduate, and Broad is on the advisory board of SUPES Academy, is not made known to Rochester citizens.
The District applied for and received $2 million dollars from the New York State Department of Education to support their training making it easy to say that “our” money was not utilized. However, the New York State Department of Education is funded with tax dollars and those tax dollars are expected to provide our children with an excellent education.
As well, District leaders recently approved a contract with the McKenzie Foundation, a Gates Foundation connect, to spend $360,000 education dollars to consult with them on how to effectively and efficiently manage the district.
Our Board has admitted they do not know how to manage the district and that the leaders they approved have low expectations for student success.
Where is the transparency when we are spending education dollars to support corporate profits by educating our leaders instead of our children?
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