2018 Green Party of New York Campaigns
Howie Hawkins – Governor
Jia Lee – Lt. Governor
Mark Dunlea – Comptroller
Michael Sussman – Attorney General
Why should people vote for the Green slate:
- 250,000 votes for Governor has the Greens pass the Conservative Party in NYS.
- Helps local Greens run for office.
- Influences what the corporate parties do.
- Vote for your values: single payer health care, fighting climate change, housing as a right, legalizing marijuana, & more!
1. Letters to the Editor:
Democrat & Chronicle – Inbox Submissions are limited to 150 words. Go to http://static.democratandchronicle.com/roc/editorialsubmissions/
City Newspaper- Send comments to [email protected], or post them on our website, rochestercitynewspaper.com, our Facebook page, or our Twitter feed, @roccitynews. We edit selections for publication in print, and we don't publish comments sent to other media.
Rochester Business Journal - https://rbj.net/submit-news/
Post Messenger - http://www.mpnnow.com/section?template=submit&subtype=news
2. Social Media Strategy:
Follow/Like campaign social media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HowieHawkinsForGovernor/
Twitter: @HowieHawkins
Share campaign videos & posts. Liking doesn’t hurt, but it is not particularly helpful.
Hashtags: #DemandMore #HowieHawkins #GreenPartyNY
3. Sign up for campaign email list, then forward emails to friends & family. http://www.howiehawkins.org
4. Help with Phone Banking.
Go to http://www.howiehawkins.org/phone
5. Face to Face Conversations.
Be polite, but forceful. Tell people you’re voting for Howie Hawkins for Governor because x, y, & z
6. Get a lawn sign &/or wear campaign button. http://www.howiehawkins.org/contact_us
7. Donate! www.HowieHawkins.org/donate