Drew Langdon 🌻

signed Ban Fracking in Rochester 2014-02-13 10:23:02 -0500

Ban Fracking in Rochester

GOAL: 1,000 signatures

Evidence increasingly shows that hydraulic fracturing devastates the natural ecosystems and human communities where this practice for natural gas extraction is used. Fracking poisons our water and our air, increases earthquake activity, sickens our families, and stresses local infrastructure. Yet despite this and the continued resistance by the people, our state elected officials have taken no action to permanently halt such catastrophic activities by the gas industry within New York State.

The City of Rochester, recognizing the threat of fracking, has previously established a moratorium on such activities in June 2012 and June 2013. However, this is set to expire in the coming months leaving our community vulnerable.

Therefore, we, the People of the City of Rochester, call on Mayor Lovely Warren and the Rochester City Council to enact legislation banning hydraulic fracturing, the transport of its byproducts, and all other related activities, within the City of Rochester.


To learn more, please visit our allies at R-CAUSE and New Yorkers Against Fracking.

published Blog 2014-01-25 21:19:08 -0500


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commented on Should Spidey Buzz Off? 2013-05-09 18:41:26 -0400 · Flag
Next time I want to see the filming company pay the bus fares for the entire RTS system for the duration of their visit. This was a terrible inconvenience for bus riders and that should be acknowledged and apologized for.

donated 2013-05-02 09:06:30 -0400

Donate to the Green Party of Monroe County

Building a strong political party, independent of the status quo power structures, requires a substantial amount of resources in both time and money from our supporters. Please consider donating to help us build this movement, in whatever amount you are able.

Drew Langdon 🌻
For People & Planet, Ecosocialist in Rochester, NY
